Friday, February 4, 2011

Results and road to recovery

Not much of an update from my end. I went to the doctor again yesterday to get tested again since I felt sicker than I had previously. The doc gave me an x-ray and a blood test. The blood test results came faster than I thought (well faster than Australian Pathology anyway). My Mono test came up high which the doctor described to me in scientific Japanese while I stared at him blankly nodding and saying hai hai hai. When I got home and checked out what the mono test shows is basically that I had a contagious viral illness which attacks the lymph nodes in the neck and throat. Great. He said my case was not that bad though and that I could work (kind of surprising).

The other positive reading on the test was the CRP reading, meaning C-Reactive Protein test. Apparently a higher reading suggests that the body has some inflammation or infection. Great stuff!

I hope I make my Mum proud as she used to be a pathologist. Go mum!

Anyway back to the road of recovery. Hopefully I wont require any more tests anytime soon.

Update: Seems I have mono (AKA Glandular fever or kissing disease). You wont catch it from me unless I share some bodilies with you. No need to worry.

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