Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Queensland floods & Cyclone

Not only has my homestate Queensland been affected by floods earlier in the year but now they are facing an epic cyclone heading there way. I just want to wish everyone in the far north and anyone who will be affected by this storm front luck. Luckily none of my family or friends have been affected by mothernatures rampage as yet and I hope it stays that way. At work in Tokyo last month, we managed to raise about $1500 for Queensland relief appeal. You can do your part by donating on the following government website: http://www.qld.gov.au/floods/donate.html

I anticipate that this cyclone will produce damage and any help is appreciated by my mates. 
You can track this cyclone with the following link: http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDE00902.loop.shtml

Keep safe Queenslanders, my thoughts are with you.

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