Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Chocolate sparkling soda

Yes, first there was chocolate beer and now chocolate soda. I am not going to waste typing about this product because the taste can only be summed up in two words. Clear Crap. Keep clear of this drink. You would be better off drinking your own pee like the guy on Man-Vs-Wild (thanks Stephan)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Australian bands I wish to share with Japan and the world.

Hello world, I just wanted to share a few of my favorite Australian bands which I think deserve a bit of international attention. I hope you enjoy some of my picks. The picture to the left depicts what Australian music (Kangaroo) will do to your ears (woman & Camera).

First off is a band which I have listened to since I was in High school, when I sadly used to skateboard as a sport. This is what used to be pumping in my earphones while getting air and falling to gain some more bruises and scars. GRINSPOON!

Grinspoon - Lost control

The next band which I believe deserves mentioning was formed from an older Aussie Rock band named Karnivool which is also very much worth checking out. However the band which I want to mention is called Birds of Tokyo. The music has a different kind of feel to other rock bands so check it out, you may like it!

Birds of Tokyo - Plans

Karnivool - Themata

An old school favorite of mine has been disbanded quite a while ago but I still enjoy listening to a few tracks of Superheist. The music always reminds me of being at the beach as I always listened to this on my holidays to the sunny Gold Coast. They are basically comparable to nu Metal but has more of an Australian twist. Used to listen to this band the most out of all of these bands.

Superheist - Bullet

Here is a band from my city of Brisbane, they actually used to have a studio in the same building that my granddad was running his business out of. They are kind of funky but an old school favorite of Brisbanites - Regurgitator.

Regurgitator - The song formally known as

Lastly I just wanted to mention a band which has taken off quite well overseas. No it isn't Jet... their name is Wolfmother. The band members changed about a year or so ago, and it turns out one of my university friends brothers then joined the band. Amazing.

Wolfmother - Joker and the Theif

Got other Aussie music you would like to share, give me a comment. Thanks!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Snow in Tokyo

Just got home from work and the whole walk home from the station consisted of me taunting the rain. "Go away, Australian's and you do not mix". At least if the snow was lighter and less like rain it might have been more enjoyable. The snow on Friday (pictured left) was a little heavier and got heavier as the day drew on. I just hope the snow which is forecast for the next couple of days will not be like what I witnessed tonight - sloshy crap falling from the heavens.

All you Aussies reading this aren't missing anything. I can't wait to come bask in the warm sun. See you in a few weeks mates.

Update: This is what it looks like tonight! Can't believe it!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Beer, fries, chicken, squid, fish reproductive organs and whale.

As the title suggests, this is quite a normal visit to the local izakaya (Japanese pub). Well to be honest the menu at this place I went to was horrible which is why we ended up ordering the whale bacon 鯨ベーコン and fish reproductive organs 白子. The whale bacon (pictured left), was probably the better of the two entrees but was not unfulfilling.

My recommendation, only order these things if you have run out of options, even then you could just save your money and have another beer. There are better tasting things in the sea.

On a side note, it is snowing this morning in Tokyo and it is bloody cold! I am just glad that today is a holiday here. Not sure what the holiday is for but I don't really care. A day off is a day off and when it is cold I wish to stay home. Stay warm guys (or cool for you south of the equatorians).

Monday, February 7, 2011

Mono update with Zen rant.

Still suffering the affects of mono, but still feeling a lot better than last week. I just don't have the energy to do whatever I want still.

I do feel like Tokyo is going to fast for me at the moment though. I wish everyone would just slow down and chill out a bit. No need to run to get that train, just wait 2 minutes and there will be another one. Some Japanese need to find Zen again I reckon.

Anyway that is my rant for today.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Results and road to recovery

Not much of an update from my end. I went to the doctor again yesterday to get tested again since I felt sicker than I had previously. The doc gave me an x-ray and a blood test. The blood test results came faster than I thought (well faster than Australian Pathology anyway). My Mono test came up high which the doctor described to me in scientific Japanese while I stared at him blankly nodding and saying hai hai hai. When I got home and checked out what the mono test shows is basically that I had a contagious viral illness which attacks the lymph nodes in the neck and throat. Great. He said my case was not that bad though and that I could work (kind of surprising).

The other positive reading on the test was the CRP reading, meaning C-Reactive Protein test. Apparently a higher reading suggests that the body has some inflammation or infection. Great stuff!

I hope I make my Mum proud as she used to be a pathologist. Go mum!

Anyway back to the road of recovery. Hopefully I wont require any more tests anytime soon.

Update: Seems I have mono (AKA Glandular fever or kissing disease). You wont catch it from me unless I share some bodilies with you. No need to worry.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cyclone update

As you can see the cyclone is about to make landfall. I just hope everyone will be okay in far north Queensland. Take care tonight mates.

I forgot to add this link to the last blog post but it is a very interesting look at the floods, check it out.

To see the current radar see this link:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Queensland floods & Cyclone

Not only has my homestate Queensland been affected by floods earlier in the year but now they are facing an epic cyclone heading there way. I just want to wish everyone in the far north and anyone who will be affected by this storm front luck. Luckily none of my family or friends have been affected by mothernatures rampage as yet and I hope it stays that way. At work in Tokyo last month, we managed to raise about $1500 for Queensland relief appeal. You can do your part by donating on the following government website:

I anticipate that this cyclone will produce damage and any help is appreciated by my mates. 
You can track this cyclone with the following link:

Keep safe Queenslanders, my thoughts are with you.

Still home sick

Have not done much today, just stayed at home and tried to recover. I am feeling a bit better though so should be okay for work tomorrow. Feel bad that I didn't make it in today but gotta put my health first. I was so happy to know some of my good mates from Australia have arrived yesterday so I will do all I can to get better by the weekend. Gunna be an adventure! We should be heading to Harajuku, kawasaki, Shinjuku and more. 
Going back to rest now.