Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bad parenting I have witnessed in Tokyo

I guess all cultures have their differences but I thought Japan had some pretty good (strict) parents however there has been a couple which have caught my eye on the trains recently. Tonight, I saw the train doors closing while a girl was screaming 'mama' meanwhile the parent was distracted with something else and missed the train as the child had already boarded. She began calling her name (quietly) and only briskly walked around the station looking for her... I am sure that I was not the only person who saw what was happening, but no-one even wanted to inform the lady that her child was on the train which at this point - just left the station. Being the good samaritan that I am, I approached the woman and informed her of her misfortune in which she then went to a train guard for help (without even rushing). It makes me wonder sometimes how much some parents care.

Another instance of supposed bad parenting occurred a few months back when I saw a woman on the train who was apparently on a date with her new boyfriend (I saw no rings). She also had her two kids with her who were absolutely going ballistic by hanging off the hand rails, doing hand stands on the seats and running around. The mother was clearly drunk and her best response to the kids behavior was yelling shut up!!! (うるさい!).

What is the moral of these stories? Don't be such a bloody bad parent that some stupid Gaijin has to write it on his blog after work when he should be using his time resting. End story.

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