Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The buildup here in Tokyo for Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows (ハリーポッターと死の秘宝) was quite hyped with Posters (seen left) at most large subway and JR stations. Fuji TV also had a 4 hour Harry potter special. With this mass advertising I found it hard to do otherwise but fork out 1800yen (20USD) to see the next installment of the Harry potter franchise, however I felt that my hard earned money was not well spent. Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows had it's moments, however it did have parts where there was just no  reason to watch, nothing was really happening or that it felt like the dialogue was made just to fill time.

Most movies follow a simple pattern, introduce characters, build tension, have peak and then resolution. The Dealthy Hallows had no real tension or peak. Of course there was a cliff hanger at the end as this is part one but the movie also felt as though it wrapped up in a 2 minute segment. Overall I cannot say this was the best of the series, I somewhat blame this on the director of the movie who has come from a TV movie background with no solid films in his portfolio. My benchmark Harry Potter film is the Prisoner of Azkaban, as this had a great flow and was just overall a great movie.

My recommendation; watch this movie but do not spend 1800yen on it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lazy weekend

The weekend started out okay I guess, I had some Hiroshimayaki (広島焼き) with my colleagues and girlfriend in Gakigeidaigaku which was really nice. 3500yen for a multiple course meal plus all you can drink for 2 hours. Verdict : Too much alcohol, not enough yaki.

Saturday was pretty good, met up with my good mate from Uni and just messed around in Yurakucho and ate at the Muji Cafe (無印). It was a simple meal but pretty nice I would say. Today all I did was housework, watched a movie (the social network) and some study. I picked up some Japanese books on advertising and PR so hopefully they will help me with my job since we are kind of sick of our current PR agency and might be looking to do things more in-house.

I am looking forward to this week though as I am not sure what it will hold. I still can't believe I have found a job which I can't wait to wake up and do everyday. Life can only get better from here.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Long time no post

I know I haven't posted in a while but that is probably because I have been quite busy lately. I am currently looking for new jobs in Tokyo but it is hard to get what I want. I just want to do something I enjoy doing if it is not too much to ask. In any case, I miss my Aussie mates and family but quite enjoy living with the girl I have missed so much while I was away from her. I am getting stronger everyday but just can't wait for time to pass so that I can see my future a bit more clearly.

I spend my days learning Japanese on http://smart.fm which has proven successful and also I have been trying to catch up on the rugby league I have missed out on (GO THE BRONCS). Hope to post something a bit more fun to read soon but I guess this is all I have for now.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

In Japan

I havent posted in a while since I have been in Japan studying and looking for jobs but today is my birthday so I get a break I guess. I don't know what I will do today but I know I will be eating something tasty, that is for sure. I got a craving for shabu shabu right now so that might be what I will eat I guess. Things have been going well here. Everyday I spend my time looking for work, studying and enjoying time with my girlfriend. It is a lovely/stressful time, I can't really explain it very well but that is exactly how I feel at this time. Well I hope to keep this up to date a bit more. Mata ne.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

東京DOGS (ドラマ)


While eating lunch (Chilli beans and steak) I watched an interested drama. The drama is called Tokyo Dogs. This drama is a police/detective story. The detective is searching for a drug dealer, but at the end of the episode the drug dealer fled. All of the police looked soo pitiful after this. haha. The actors were cool and the actresses were cute! I really want to see the next episode!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010





Todays Diary entry is a little early, but because I want to write more japanese, I wrote it anyway.

Recently I decided to go on a diet. During the Christmas holidays I ate too many fatty foods and I became fat. Before the holiday I was 71kg but now I am 77. Im so sad. From now on, I decided to only eat healthy food. Instead of drinking energy drinks I drink tea too. I want to do exercise but I am a bit lazy haha. But there is no other way I have to do exercise.

Monday, January 18, 2010



Yesterday my grandma said it will be 34 degrees tomorrow. I told her "Your joking right?". But, just as I thought she was right, today was 34 degrees.This morning at 2am there was a storm and because of this it is really humid. I don't really like summer. Winter is better because you can wear better looking clothes, eat spicy food and snowboard. It is still winter in march in Japan right? In March I am going to Tokyo, what is the normal temperature in March?

The answer to the last question was about 15 degrees on average which isn`t as cold as I thought it would be in Tokyo.

僕の子犬 My puppy


2 weeks ago we bough a puppy. His breed is a Yorkshire terrier x Maltese and his name is Koko. He is smart but if I go shopping he will just feel lonley and always bark. When I come home he is okay though. Up until now, in 2 days he remembers 2 tricks - sit and lie down. Right now I want to go out but koko will probably cry. Ahhh. But I love koko heheh, we are always playing together.

Sorry if my translation into English sounds funny. haha. It is just too damn hot here in Brisbane today 34 degrees, wish I was over in Japan.. 2 degrees would be nice! Ill be there soon in Tokyo.. ahhh!

仕事を探している Looking for jobs (in Japan)


I graduated from Griffith uni last year in December. My majors were Marketing and Japanese. Of course Japanese is more fun but I think Marketing is more useful for my future. Now I am looking for a marketing job but it is hard to find a good one. Lots of companies are only looking for fully bilingual applicants. But, it can`t be helped, in March I will be heading to Tokyo. When in Tokyo I will try to go to different companies and hand my resume in. Is this a good idea? Is there any other day? Ahh

I am having a bit of luck but still nothing concrete. If you have any recomendations please let me know. Better still if you are an employer please leave a message! it will be greatly appreciated. ありがとうございます!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

2010最初のポスト - ブリスべンの写真
